Friday, May 16, 2008


police theorized that perpetrators could probably be someone acquainted with the victims for among other reasons, no indicators of forcible entry was noticed on the crime scene. residents similarly did not notice any commotion prior to the discovery of the incident. and as what appeared in national tv, footages of the bodies would suggest that most of the victims were shot either in close proximity or right in their own workstations.

the failure of the guards to report that morning raised suspicion as they would have reported in time before bank opens to relieve outgoing guards. the absence earned themselves a good spot in the investigator's tickler. otherwise, the morning guards could have been the very first persons who discovered the incident themselves. having no surviving witnesses no more, the police may now have to rely on two important aspects in their investigation-- "the testimony and possible involvement of the guards in custody; and the crime scene itself.." what it may speak of and what it wishes to convey about the gruesome ordeal of the victims.. the scene itself has a lot of stories to tell.

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